Le mausolée de Khai Dinh est à environ 10 km de l’ancienne capitale de Huê, province de Thua Thiên-Huê (Centre). Monté sur le trône en 1916, le roi Khai Dinh choisit la pente de la montagne Châu Chu (encore appelée Châu Ê) pour y bâtir son tombeau. Les travaux commencèrent le 4 septembre 1920 et se poursuivirent pendant 11 ans.
Le tombeau de Khai Dinh occupe une superficie moindre (117 m x 48,5m) que ceux de ses prédécesseurs. Sa construction mélange des architectures européennes et asiatiques, modernes et anciennes. Pour accéder à l’intérieur du temple Thiên Dinh qui abrite le tombeau, il faut gravir 127 marches.
C’est l’endroit le plus élevé et la principale construction de la nécropole. Il se compose de cinq salles adjacentes et de deux latérales. La salle d’accès est réservée aux soldats gardiens du tombeau. Devant elle, s’élève le temple de Khai Dinh, qui renferme l’autel du culte et le portrait du roi. Au milieu, se trouve le Buu An - la statue du roi et l’autel du culte avec la tablette funéraire du roi défunt. La décoration intérieure du temple de Thiên Dinh est unique. La fresque du plafond représente neuf dragons dans les nuages (Cuu Long ân vân), qui fait écho avec les motifs et mosaïques de porcelaine et de cristal tapissant les murs.
The tomb of Gia Long is in fact a group of tombs including those of the Emperor's relatives. The whole compound is spread on a joint mountain with 42 small and big mounts, amongst which Dai Thien Tho is the biggest.To visit Gia Long's tomb, tourists can go by boat about 18km along...
It is commonly known as a flagpole, but viewed from the Imperial City; it is really a huge structure of three flat-top pyramids, one lying on top of another. It was built during Emperor Gia Long's reign, in 1807, and later improved by his son, Emperor Minh Mang.According to the Thuc Luc...
The nine Dynastic Urns are the greatest bronze ones in Vietnam They were cast by Emperor Minh Mang in 1836 to symbolize the sovereignty of the dynasty.Each of them is named after the posthumous title of the emperors worshipped in the The Mieu Temple. For example, Cao Urn is named after Emperor...
Le tombeau de Tu Duc est construit dans une vallée étroite appartenant au village de Duong Xuan Thuong (aujourd’hui, c’est le hameau de Thuong Ba, village de Thuy Xuan). Le tombeau est situé au milieu d’une immense forêt de pins, à 8 km du...
The pagoda includes a main sanctuary with two statues of the Deity Eight Vajra.Dieu De Pagoda was built by King Thieu Tri in 1844 on the platform of 5,000m² in his old residence, where he was born in 1807. It was constructed on a large scale, but was badly damaged during the successive wars....
Tu Dam Pagoda was designed following the model of a Conference Pagoda (Chua Hoi). The old and new architectures blend together creating spacious and harmonious elements.Tu Dam Pagoda is one of the biggest and oldest pagodas in Hue. The pagoda was founded at the end of the 17th century (in about...
It is a delicate pavilion with a south view. In front of the Pavilion is a large court leading to the Nghinh Luong Pavilion (Pavilion for Fresh Air) on the Perfume River bank.There had once been a tiger - elephant duel on the pavilion grounds in 1829 to entertain Emperor Minh Mang. In his...
Dong Ba Market is the biggest market in Thua Thien-Hue Province.Under the reign of King Gia Long (1802-1819), there was a big market named Qui Gia near Chanh Dong (Dong Ba) Gate of Hue Citadel. The name “Qui Gia” referred to the return to Phu Xuan Capital (Hue nowadays) of Nguyen...
Dong Khanh's Tomb construction lasted through the lives of four Emperors Nguyen (1888-1923). That's why it bears the stamp of two architectural inclinations of two different historical periods. After being crowned, Dong Khanh had a temple built beside his father's tomb named Truy Tu...
Elle sert d’entrée principale et de façade de la Cité Impériale. Construite en 1833 sous le règne de Minh Mang au moment du ré-aménagement de la Cité. La Porte du Midi constitue un ensemble d’architectures diversifié, elle...
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