Gia Long Tomb


The tomb of Gia Long is in fact a group of tombs including those of the Emperor's relatives. The whole compound is spread on a joint mountain with 42 small and big mounts, amongst which Dai Thien Tho is the biggest.

Gia Long tomb, Hue, Vietnam

To visit Gia Long's tomb, tourists can go by boat about 18km along the Perfume River and then land directly at the wharf of the tomb, or they can go about 16km by car to Kim Ngoc wharf, take the bac from there and walk for some more kilometers.

The Emperor's Tomb is located on a flat, big hill. In the front, Thien Tho Mount forms a natural screen, and in the back seven hills raise like natural defenses. On the left, 14 peaks form the "left blue dragons" (Ta Thanh Long), and on the right, another 14 form the "right white tigers" (Huu Bach Ho).

Gia Long's tomb is a wonderful picture of nature and architecture, which provides a superb view of the boundless mountains and the solitary pine forest.

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