Le tombeau de Minh Mang est situé à l’extérieur de la ville, sur le mont Cam Ke, à 12 km de Hué, sur la rive ouest de la Rivière des Parfums.En avril 1840, le roi Minh Mang changea le nom du mont "Cam Ke" en mont "Hieu Son" et donna au futur tombeau...
It is commonly known as a flagpole, but viewed from the Imperial City; it is really a huge structure of three flat-top pyramids, one lying on top of another. It was built during Emperor Gia Long's reign, in 1807, and later improved by his son, Emperor Minh Mang.According to the Thuc Luc...
L’école nationale de Huê se trouve sur la rue Lê Loi, quartier de Vinh Ninh, ville de Huê, province de Thua Thien-Hué.Quoc Tu Giam fut l’Ecole Nationale ouverte par la Cour pour former les élites intellectuelles de l’état. Au...
The Hermitage Bien Duc Thien An, usually name Thien Duc Hermitage, has been founded in Summer 1940 by the Bien Duc French hermits with the name of Thien An (Peace from Heaven).The hermitage is formerly managed as an infirmary and a school. To day the hermitage is only a place for religious...
The tomb of Gia Long is in fact a group of tombs including those of the Emperor's relatives. The whole compound is spread on a joint mountain with 42 small and big mounts, amongst which Dai Thien Tho is the biggest.To visit Gia Long's tomb, tourists can go by boat about 18km along...
Dong Ba Market is the biggest market in Thua Thien-Hue Province.Under the reign of King Gia Long (1802-1819), there was a big market named Qui Gia near Chanh Dong (Dong Ba) Gate of Hue Citadel. The name “Qui Gia” referred to the return to Phu Xuan Capital (Hue nowadays) of Nguyen...
La pagode de la Dame céleste (en vietnamien: Chùa Thiên Mụ) est la pagode la plus haute du Viêt Nam avec les six étages supérieurs de sa tour, dénommée « Source de félicité ». Elle se trouve à Hué sur...
It is a delicate pavilion with a south view. In front of the Pavilion is a large court leading to the Nghinh Luong Pavilion (Pavilion for Fresh Air) on the Perfume River bank.There had once been a tiger - elephant duel on the pavilion grounds in 1829 to entertain Emperor Minh Mang. In his...
The national park, extended in 2008, lies on a high mountain ridge that runs west-east from the Laotian border to the East Sea at the Hai Van pass. This ridge interrupts the coastal plain of Vietnam, and, therefore, forms a biogeographical boundary between the faunas and floras of northern and...
Établie comme capitale du Viet Nam unifié en 1802, la ville de Huê a été non seulement le centre politique mais aussi le centre culturel et religieux sous la dynastie Nguyên, jusqu'en 1945. La rivière des Parfums serpente à travers la...
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