Le plan de Hué est réalisé selon une conception de Nguyen Van Yen. Les constituantes de l'ensemble urbain (Ville fortifiée, Ville impériale et Ville pourpre interdite) sont disposées selon le principe d'un emboîtement. Un axe nord-sud commande une répartition symétrique des immeubles et de leurs fonctions. À l'extérieur de la ville, en harmonie avec le site naturel, sont dispersés d'autres monuments: les tombes de la dynastie Nguyen sont des œuvres d'architecture et d'aménagement paysager considérables.
La densité des monuments urbains est grande. Trois enceintes successives structurent leur ensemble. La première, de style Vauban comme le bastion côtier, est entourée de bermes, douves et glacis (2,235 m de côté). L'architecture est chargée de symboles qui relèvent de la philosophie orientale et de la tradition vietnamienne, tout comme le sens qui est attaché au cadre naturel. La brique est le matériau principal auquel s'ajoutent, dans le cas des palais et lieux de culte, le bois des charpentes et les tuiles canal émaillées jaunes ou bleues. Jardins et vergers s'intègrent à l'espace monumental.
Dong Khanh's Tomb construction lasted through the lives of four Emperors Nguyen (1888-1923). That's why it bears the stamp of two architectural inclinations of two different historical periods. After being crowned, Dong Khanh had a temple built beside his father's tomb named Truy Tu...
Le tombeau de Tu Duc est construit dans une vallée étroite appartenant au village de Duong Xuan Thuong (aujourd’hui, c’est le hameau de Thuong Ba, village de Thuy Xuan). Le tombeau est situé au milieu d’une immense forêt de pins, à 8 km du...
The national park, extended in 2008, lies on a high mountain ridge that runs west-east from the Laotian border to the East Sea at the Hai Van pass. This ridge interrupts the coastal plain of Vietnam, and, therefore, forms a biogeographical boundary between the faunas and floras of northern and...
Thanh Toan old bridge built in 1776 for the connection between villages and a place to have some breeze during the summer day. The Bridge is one of the oldest bridge in Vietnam recognized by as country heritage in 1990
De tous les tombeaux impériaux qui jalonnent la rivière des Parfums, le mausolée de l’empereur Khai Dinh, l’avant-dernier souverain de la dynastie des Nguyên (1802-1945), est le plus étonnant, son architecture étant totalement différente...
After being on the throne for seven years, Emperor Thieu Tri was sick and died on 4 November 1847 at the age of 41. In his lifetime, the Emperor neither thought of his death nor wanted the people and soldiers to waste so much labour and property for him, so he did not have his tomb built.As soon...
The tomb of Gia Long is in fact a group of tombs including those of the Emperor's relatives. The whole compound is spread on a joint mountain with 42 small and big mounts, amongst which Dai Thien Tho is the biggest.To visit Gia Long's tomb, tourists can go by boat about 18km along...
The nine Dynastic Urns are the greatest bronze ones in Vietnam They were cast by Emperor Minh Mang in 1836 to symbolize the sovereignty of the dynasty.Each of them is named after the posthumous title of the emperors worshipped in the The Mieu Temple. For example, Cao Urn is named after Emperor...
L’école nationale de Huê se trouve sur la rue Lê Loi, quartier de Vinh Ninh, ville de Huê, province de Thua Thien-Hué.Quoc Tu Giam fut l’Ecole Nationale ouverte par la Cour pour former les élites intellectuelles de l’état. Au...
It is commonly known as a flagpole, but viewed from the Imperial City; it is really a huge structure of three flat-top pyramids, one lying on top of another. It was built during Emperor Gia Long's reign, in 1807, and later improved by his son, Emperor Minh Mang.According to the Thuc Luc...
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