The square adjacent to the Ho Chi Minh complex is called Ba Dinh square, where many important national historical events in modern history took place. The square was originally developed by French colony and known as Round Point Pugininer. On September 2nd, 1945 – now Vietnam...
Ba Vi National Park is centred on Mount Ba Vi, a mountain isolate situated about 50 km west of Hanoi. The mountain rises steeply out of a plain that rarely exceeds 30 m in elevation. In general, slopes on the western side of Ba Vi mountain, at an average of 25°, are steeper than those on the...
Approximately 70 kilometers southwest of Ha Noi, Huong Son boasts quite a few pagodas built in the Posterior Le Dynasty. Until the beginning of the 20th century, there have over 100 pagodas. Visitors can go to Huong Son via the Ha Dong - Van Dinh route.Vietnamese or foreigners alike wish to come...
Tay Tuu Flower VillageAddress: Tay Tuu Village, Tu Liem district, HanoiProducts: roses, daisies, liliesFollow the footsteps of Lady Dong Thi in the poem “An afternoon on West Lake” to Tay Tuu Village, long famous for its splendid flowers and uniquely Hanoi cultural beauty. In early...
Village de soie Van Phuc Situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres du centre de Hanoï, le village de Van Phuc est semblable à un ruban de soie qui longe la rivière Nhue. La soie naturelle de Van Phuc, appelée soie de Ha Dong et renommée...
Quat Dong Embroidery VillageAddress: Quat Dong Village, Quat Dong commune, Thuong Tin district, Hanoi Products: Embroidered productsWhenever talking about Vietnamese traditional embroidery, people often mention to Quat Dong - ancestor of the embroidery with all the respect and pride. With...
Le mausolée de Ho Chi Minh est situé sur la place Ba Dinh, à Hanoï au Viet Nam. Le mausolée a été construit pour accueillir la dépouille mortelle de Ho Chi Minh, fondateur de la République démocratique du Viêt Nam,...
Cinq ans après son inscription au patrimoine culturel mondial, la cité royale de Thang Long, à Hanoï, fait toujours l’objet d’études et de fouilles archéologiques poussées. L’UNESCO avait d’ailleurs recommandé...
Le temple de la Littérature (vietnamien: Văn Miếu-Quốc Tử Giám), ou sanctuaire du Prince propagateur des Lettres est un temple confucéen situé dans la partie ouest de la vieille ville d'Hanoï, capitale du Viêt Nam. C'est le plus important des...
Ha Thai Lacquer-ware VillageAddress: Ha Thai village, Duyen Thai commune, Thuong Tin district, Hanoi.Products: Lacquer painting productsHa Thai village – Duyen Thai commune is located right by side of 1A national highway and among other famous trade villages. Ha Thai village’s lacquer...
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