Now travelers can travel from Hanoi to Hai Phong for about 1 hour driving to get in speed boat to Cat Ba Island, explore Lan Ha Bay and shorten the time to go on cruise towards Halong Bay. This Hai Phong Port city is also known as the biggest port in the Northern of Vietnam where the cruise ship will return for driving to Hanoi capital.
Vietnam will do all efforts to fulfill the target of 2,000km of highways across the nation by 2020. At present, over 700km of highways have been built across the country. Thank to the inauguration, transport is becoming easier for transfer between tourist attraction points.
Myanmar's visa-on-arrival set to accommodate 22 European countries
Noi Bai airport has opened T2 terminal. At the beginning, it will be used for all arrival/departure inteternational flights. During first time operating of new terminal, there are some problems for the arrival international flights.
A lantern festival will be held to celebrate Hoi An tourism on this December 31, 2015 and a New Year's celebration at the Hoi An Statute Park. Come to Hoi An right now to the the first guests arriving in Hoi An on January 1 to receive a very warmly welcome of the whole city.
Le cliché d’une rameuse de la ville de Hôi An intitulé Sourire caché, prise par le photographe français Réhahn Croquevielle, a été offert au Musée des femmes du Viet Nam.
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