Located 400 Km northeast of Vientiane Capital, Xieng Khouang enjoys a remarkable geographical location, surrounded by mountain ranges, with Phou Bia (2.700 m) the highest peak in Lao PDR. The province sits at the crossroads of traffic from central Vietnam and northeast Thailand. Historically, these two powerful neighbours-Siam and Vietnam have vied for control of its soil.
Luang Prabang est la troisième ville du pays par sa taille mais première par sa beauté. Un site exceptionnel, sur une langue de terre, et le climat est une raison de s'y sentir bien. Une ville également chargée d'histoire et la plus riche en monuments religieux du Laos. Luang Prabang est connu pour ses nombreux temples bouddhistes et...
Located on a curve of the Mekong River, Vientiane Capital has a recorded history that stretches back to around 1.000 AD. The area was originally settled because of the fertility of the surrounding alluvial plains, and Vientiane became the capital city of Laos around the mid 16th century.
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