La Compagnie aérienne Vietnam Airlines prévoit d'ouvrir une ligne aérienne directe Ha Noi-Prague-Ha Noi en 2017.
Viet Nam House (la Maison du Viet Nam), conçue par Vo Trong Nghia, un architecte renommé pour ses structures en bambou, a ouvert ses portes au 187, rue Nguyên Van Huong, quartier de Thao Diên, 2e arrondissement de Hô Chi Minh-Ville.
Ces trente dernières années, les promenades en bateau sur la rivière Huong (rivière des Parfums) au son de la musique traditionnelle de Huê sont devenues incontournables pour les touristes. Un spectacle qui continue de fasciner et faire rêver.
As Christmas approaches, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and many other cities are filling with colors, products serving Christmas season that makes all areas overwhelmed in the Christmas atmosphere.
A lantern festival will be held to celebrate Hoi An tourism on this December 31, 2015 and a New Year's celebration at the Hoi An Statute Park. Come to Hoi An right now to the the first guests arriving in Hoi An on January 1 to receive a very warmly welcome of the whole city.
The temperature has been descended to the lowest level in this winter, at Zero (0)oC in many areas which has been frozen whitely over the surface in the height of more than 1,500m such as Sapa.
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